Calculating the planned retirement age based on a targeted savings at retirement using the retirement age calculator
Given how much money we currently have in your retirement account and how much we plan to continue to invest we would like to know at what age we can retire. This calculator will create an investment schedule and charts for you to see at what age you can retire.
You also need this calculator if you are just starting to plan for your retirement and you want to decide on how much to save towards your retirement in order to achieve a certain financial goal when you retire.
Use the calculator below by completing it with your own details to find out at what age you can retire based on your projected financial plan.
Retirement Calculator — calculate retirement age
This calculator easily answers the question "Given the value of my current investments and assuming future monthly investments of "X", at what age will I reach my retirement goal?"
The user enters their "Current Age", the "Monthly Amount Invested",the "Annual Interest Rate (ROI)" (annualized Return on Investment one expects to earn) and "Amount Desired At Retirement".
The calculator quickly calculates the user's retirement age and creates an investment schedule plus a set of charts that will help the user see the relationship between the amount invested and the return on the investment. The schedule can be copied and pasted to Excel, if desired.
If you need a more advanced "Retirement Calculator" - one that calculates many more unknowns and one that calculates assuming retirement income and not a final lump sum then try the calculator located here:
Currency and Date Conventions
All calculators will remember your choice. You may also change it at any time.
Clicking "Save changes" will cause the calculator to reload. Your edits will be lost.
Click here to use the retirement savings calculator and see how much you need to start saving and investing monthly if you are to achieve your retirement financial goal.
Click here to use the retirement nest egg calculator and see how much you would have accumulated in your retirement account by the time you retire.